Over the years, we have an obvious shift from monologic media to dialogic media. This is simply moving from a centralised to a distributed network, where we are using the media as a form of dialogue rather than just consuming what we are being told from one single source.

Back then, it was all about sitting around the television and consuming what the television was telling us. Our forms of communication were only with the people sitting with us, or in range of our voice. We were passive consumers.

Now, we’re all active makers in a sense where the world has evolved and we all have technology to create content. Our content is our message and can be broadcasted directly to other people rather than going through a gatekeeper. This content created is always conversation and is always unfinished – just like the soundcloud audio clip below.

The cliffhanger inserted into this audio clip makes for conversation. Content is open ended and anyone can add to this clip and broadcast their own message into it. We are the network and we are able to broadcast what we want and change the perception of something.


It’s all a little like chinese whispers. You say one thing in hopes someone gets your message but instead, they can cut out your content and do whatever they want with it.

– G

11 thoughts on “WE ARE THE NETWORK

  1. Really liked this read! I haven’t come across anyone else using soundcloud yet so it was nice to see that used for your remediation. Perhaps consider how the 21st century doesn’t always allow for us to be “active makers” in all situations. For instance in my blog post, I talked about how high school limits our social media interaction and engagement with one another while in classes. Just another thing for you to consider, great blog post nonetheless!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. haha thank you, like i hope it counts as using it even though it’s like 5 seconds long? oh and yeah, I definitely get you there – like despite having all the tools and devices in front of you, there are some environments where there is a restriction on creating content or even broadcasting content. thank you so much for the feedback, appreciate it heaps 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re very welcome! It should count, there are no minimums on what the content is I believe, and your remediation has a point to it as you explain. Should be fine!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey Gloria!
    This blog post is great! It has helped me deepen my understanding of the content within last weeks lecture.
    I absolutely loved your remediation also! Such a creative idea. It compliments your blog post and provokes the reader to think about how many things are open ended, in terms of digital media!
    Comparing it to ‘Chinese Whispers’ was really effective as well as it shows how easily things can be misinterpreted or changed on purpose.
    I’ll send you a link to an online book called ‘Digital Content Creation: Perception, Practices and Perspectives’. Page 32 discusses how people can collaborate and create digital content.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much! Honestly, at first I didn’t understand the content but I just kept rereading it over and over again and just google searched and here we are – so maybe that will help you understand the future content if you’re ever stuck 🙂 and thank you for the link, I’m definitely going to check it out now! Appreciate the feedback 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. You are the first person I’ve seen use SoundCloud for their remediation. It’s quite a smart idea too. I particularly liked the subtle mix of bcm110’s “Media Audiences” and bcm112’s “Medium is the Message” topics during your opening paragraphs; media audiences shifting from consumers producers who remix and remediate. It really shows that not only are you trying to speak on the current week’s topic but you’re also using your knowledge of past topics to support your research.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is a really good blog post. The way you used sound cloud was such a creative idea and I really enjoyed. You were able to summarise a very in depth topic into a succinct, yet still engaging post and I commend you on that. The idea of the cliffhanger as the end of your post was really creative and reinforced your point that content is always unfinished and can be easily manipulated to convey different ideas. I wish you could have written more but I understand you had to stick to the word limit !! Such a good post !!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thanks so much! honestly i lowkey think ive been going over the word limit … oops but like this was a hard blog post to do and i just didnt know what to talk about haha but thank you so much! (:


  5. You got me worried about my blog for this topic now haha! Nooo but really, this helped me understand the topic so so much better. I really liked how you gave us as readers a contrast between when we were passive users to now active users. You really summed up the whole process of living in a digital world as we all are now, especially with your SoundCloud example! What a great way to prove your idea, I loved the whole idea of ‘Chinese whispers’ within the power of networks, it’s true, just like anything can be glitched or switched around your example simply but perfectly explains the manipulation of content across multiple platforms!

    Great work girl!


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