So throughout my years of growth and change, there was one thing I could never get into the habit of no matter how much I tried, and that was watching the news on a daily basis. However, when I do want to be informed about news, my go-to place is definitely the internet rather than the TV.

My first point of contact with the news is usually twitter and then that’s when I go into further research via the google search engine. From there, that’s when I’ll go through articles and newspaper that pop up. However, until now, I’ve never thought about checking who owns or controls these.

We do have to keep in mind that as the years go on, various of things have changed, such as the shift from traditional media to digital media. My parents, who used to watch the news traditionally on the daily, have now shifted to finding their news source online on various media platforms. Therefore, now, not only do we have credible people sending out messages, we also have unqualified people on social media, broadcasting the news.

Taking it all in, I do think it is important that we know who is broadcasting our news source. It’s like making sure we find out a doctor’s qualifications before letting them diagnose us or prescribe us with any medication. Because, what if they diagnosed you with something completely wrong?

The news is exactly like this scenario, because millions and millions of people are accessing the news at the same time. It’s important that the news being broadcasted to us, globally, is accurate and correct.

In saying this, just because I don’t think we all have the qualifications to own and control media, we all have the power to influence the media and what we think. It’s important we use this power effectively. However, it does all come back down to how you’ve used this power in the past.

For example, Beyonce is one of the biggest and most iconic star in the world. The way she manages her iconic status and how she uses her name and social media will have an effect on whether the audience will take what she says as believable or not. Comparing Beyonce to another big star such as Kim K (cliché comparison, I know), and seeing how Kim K manages her own status and how she uses her name, the audience will decide whether or not they take what she says as believable. This is the same as broadcasting the news. In the end, we all matter just as Beyonce matters, but it all comes down to credentials and who others want to believe.


– G

12 thoughts on “CAN WE OWN MEDIA?

  1. Loved the Beyonce example! And I really liked this blog, you effectively explained your own personal experience as an active consumer with the news, and then showed the shift in change from accessing it through a medium such as TV, to then your own phone and an app like Twitter.

    You could’ve even added a screenshot of like a twitter feed to show whats trending in the world right now and refer to that as an example of how easy it really is to just access information on our phones, and social media like Twitter, as there’s usually always some sort of news scandal on the trending page.

    But otherwise I really think you summed up the whole topic well, keep it up! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love how much this post just flows! It is so calm to read, and easy to understand with the casual way you write… honestly perfect! Keep it up! It made me think about how we have changed so much in the way we receive our news, what is on offer to us, and how this is constantly changing so we need to stay aware in new territory!

    Maybe having an example of who owns the media channel of Twitter or the ‘broadcasting news’ that you listen to, to show why it may be a problem to trust or if we can trust them fully?

    Other than that, super job!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Really good blog post, great flow to it.
    You could’ve gone into more detail about how Beyonce can influence the audience and even the media in general for that matter. This maybe could’ve been done by researching a real life example of when this might of happened, and it would only strengthen your argument as to why Beyonce matters, because it legitimately happened!
    Good job!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hey Gloria!
    Love this piece about owning media. You have really made me think and put these ideas into perspective. I really liked how you discussed ’unqualified people’ on social media and how we need to know that they’re providing a reliable news source. The comparison to a ‘qualified doctor’ allowed me to rethink if I should believe everything in the media. 
Interesting that twitter is your first source to discover the news, but its a great idea that you follow up and make sure the sources are accurate by checking on google as well.
    Ashlan xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thanks girl! and haha yeah i know like usually people go on facebook or like the actual news etc but idk twitter is just so much more convenient for me haha but appreciate your feedback heaps 🙂 x

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I really loved reading this blog post! I thoroughly enjoyed how easy it was to read and how precisely you managed to get your point across. I can relate to mainly consuming the news from the internet as I find it more reliable and diverse. I can definitely see where you’re coming from and I think that your example with Beyonce was well thought out but you I would have liked even more detail on that section. That being said I really enjoyed reading it and appreciated your comparison of fact checking to that of a qualified doctor. That was really good!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. thank you heaps! Yeah like honestly didn’t really know where I was going with that. I just know I wanted to kind of bring the whole media ownership and “does Beyonce matter” together but I totally see why I needed to probably elaborate on the Beyonce part – like probably more examples on that. I will definitely keep this in mind for the future and add more info! appreciate the feedback 🙂


  7. I think you really captured the blog topic well in this post. You managed to create a well structured and relaxed read that is still really informative

    I really appreciate how you touched on the transition of media from traditional platforms to the social media world. I think it could be useful to add an example screenshot of an old traditional news source such as ‘ABC’ who has also transitioned, having their own social accounts to remain relevant using hashtags and such to keep a following.

    Perhaps to strengthen your Beyoncé example, you could give examples from her audience, eg sophisticated fan pages/articles, comments on her posts etc. Perhaps just adding a link to a notable interview would inform your readers even more!

    Great post, I can’t wait to read more!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thanks so much for the feedback – yeah definitely, i’ll try to include more information next time and try to add the little things in to make it even more informative! appreciate it 🙂


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